Practice to Progress
Fire and rescue selection and career progression coaching
Practice to Progress works with individuals and UK Fire and Rescue Services providing coaching and assessment support to prepare candidates for initial selection or promotion.
Through working with Women in the Fire Service (WFS) and the Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA), we have built a team of fire sector specialists including former Chief Fire Officers and managers from all levels. We are committed to supporting the UK Fire and Rescue Services through recruiting then developing a truly diverse, talented and motivated workforce.
P2P covers all aspects of the application and selection processes, from evidence and example-based questions, operational and command areas, and psychometric testing, to value centred and ethical leadership development, media training and partnership working. Our material is contemporary and aligned with the Fire and Rescue Code of Ethics and the National Fire Chiefs Council Leadership Framework.
We specialise in helping Fire and Rescue Services build an effective people strategy and demonstrate positive action towards improving the ‘People’ pillar of HMICFRS. Ethics and values are integral to our approach in assisting fire and rescue services to invest in their people and support cultural change and diversity within the service, ensuring individuals and teams are better prepared and more confident for promotion.
We also work with individual candidates looking to join or seeking progression within the fire and rescue sector to increase their chances of success. Our focus is on supporting everyone, from whatever background, reach their career goals.
Our highly experienced coaches and assessors are regularly part of selection and promotion boards at all levels and are selected to enrich the experience and meet the diverse needs of organisations and individual candidates.
Who is Practice to Progress for? The answer is everyone.
Initial wholetime firefighter recruitment
Targeted support for under-represented groups as a strand of positive action.
Promotion within fire and rescue services into wholetime managerial roles
To ensure high potential candidates pass the assessment process to fill all available vacancies.
Initial On-Call firefighter recruitment
Targeted support to maximise the chances of small numbers of applicants passing point-of-entry selection tests.
Promotion within fire and rescue services into On-Call managerial roles
Targeted support to maximise the chances of vacancies being filled from very small pools of eligible applicants.
Unsuccessful candidates from previous applications
A supportive programme in preparation for reapplying to enter the service or internal promotion.
High potential individuals
Targeted for a supportive programme to realise early promotion.
External applicants seeking any future direct entry selection gateways
Why use Practice to Progress?
- Expert help to deliver People Strategies, Workforce Succession and Development Plans
- Targeted support for underrepresented groups
- Develop and retain high potential individuals
- Promote cultural change and diversity
Develop a diverse, talented and committed workforce - Demonstrate positive evidence towards improving the ‘People’ pillar of HMICFRS
- Provide a safe space to practice, learn and develop
- Increase levels of confidence in all staff groups
- Personable, experienced and highly qualified assessors
- Significantly increase your chances of success at recruitment and promotion boards
- Realise your potential for an excellent and fulfilling career in the fire service
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To find out more about Practice to Progress, contact us at [email protected] or visit www.fire.practicetoprogress.com